About Our Company
Bongofree is the best classified ad site using modern web technology! We provide free classified advertising to local communities throughout Tanzania regions. Just complete a simple registration process and your ad will be up running in minutes for exposure with no time. Posting free ads couldn’t be easier! So have a look around, or post a free ad today! Bongofree – Classified ads Simplified!
What We Do
Bongofree offers local classified ads for Real estate’s such as Flats, Houses, Cars, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Property, Land, Community, Personals, Dating, For Sale & To Buy, Travel & Recreation, Services, Education such as Courses, Classes, Jobs Offers – Employment, Pets etc… Post your free ads to sell or buy, property, jobs or find whatever you are looking for in the site. Easy to post ads and hassle free! Post ads, events or sell your new or second hand items near you with a few clicks! It’s simple, effective & 100% free for basic listings. It’s also easy to post and view your ads on your mobile devices.

How it Works
Create Account
Registration is absolutely FREE. Click on "Register" to create an account.
Post your Ad
Click on “Post Your Ad" and follow the step-by-step instructions provided.
Get Offers
Buyer will contact via email form or mobile phone or via Whatsapp number.
Sell Your Item
Agree and meet a buyer explaining how to sell your products or services.